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Senior Thesis Reflection


Using Holy Spirit Hospital as my year long capstone project, I was able to have the opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge I have gained through the last 5 years of  studying Architectural Engineering and completing internships.Holy Spirit Hospital and entire project team were extremely helpful in helping me obtain this project to use as a model and in providing me all the necessary information I needed. During my Fall semester I was able to gain a strong background of the current project attributes through in-depth technical analyses of my project. After acquiring this knowledge, I was able to further pursue certain areas that could improve the new Holy Spirit Hospital's addition and renovation. These areas of improvement can be seen through my Spring Semester final report and presentation on the results of studying he criteria selected for analysis based on design, cost, schedule, and research. Overall, with the help of this senior thesis project I feel prepare to enter the building industry with confidence, knowing I am ready to take on the challenges that I will face moving forward.


CPEP Reflection

The CPEP website, in my opinion, was a very useful way to present the results of the senior thesis projects. The website was able to help use organize the information our projects very efficiently and make it look professional. Along with the positive aspect of organization, the information on the website allowed students to become very familiar with their project by thoroughly explaining their project in a way that anyone viewing the website can fully understand what is going on. Lastly, this CPEP portfolio has given me the knowledge to create a web page design and create a space to present organized information.

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